Hell On Earth


As I told you in my last post, I've been experiencing God's good Heart since I found my faith, approximately three moths ago. But what I also do want to tell you, is that all good things has an opposite. The opposite I want to talk to you about right now is the opposite of God's love. In contrast to the great love and goodness that God intends for us, we can feel pain, brokenness, suffering, sorrow, agony, misery, enmity, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, malice, hatred, murder, sickness, death, fear, anguish, rejection, greed, poverty, brutality, abuse and injustice. Once you believe in God, satan will try to keep you away from spreading God's message about unity and the greatest love of all. Satan's will is to make you feel all the feelings I mentioned, but above all, loneliness. I've opened my eyes to see that all the bad feelings we sometimes feel, is rooted in the horrible vindictiveness, vicious hatred, maliciousness and destructiveness of stan's nature and character. 

Example: Sometimes when we don't think before we act, we can get feelings of regret, anger, irritation, frustration or disappointment. Say we ate something we weren't supposed to, or we planned something without considering whether we really have the time or not, and then we feel out of control and get bad feelings from recieving bad thoughts. 
These bad thoughts are coming from a darker, evil side, that sometimes comes creeping in to our minds, without our permission. Satan wants to push us down, he wants us to feel bad, attempted and worthless. His existence is depending on human sadness and doubt. What we need to remind ourselves of when we feel pained or defeted, is that these feelings are clinging to us only because we're insisting them to do so. We're focusing too much on what's bad, instead of what's actually good in our life. Knock satan off your shoulder, ask him to turn on his heel and get the h*ll out of there. Let go, you won't lose a thing except a punishing idea.